Nature’s Superb Design
for the Family
DVD presentation for parents and professionals
How can
we give our children the best possible start in
What steps can we take, even before conception, to
lay the foundations for ease and
pleasure in parenting? How will Mother Nature’s
superb design help us to care for our babies,
and simplify issues such as sleeping and feeding?
Dr Sarah J Buckley MD, GP and mother of four,
shares the science and wisdom of early
parenting in this frank, fascinating and practical
talk, recorded live in London.
Topics include:
• Preconception and pregnancy nutrition
• The ecstatic hormones of labour and birth
• Cord clamping, cord blood banking and Lotus
• Importance of the hour after birth
• Breastfeeding for young and older children
• Is it safe to sleep with your baby? And much
for Sarah Buckley! Her strong, authoritative voice
is sorely needed…”
Ina May
Gaskin, midwife and author.
(postage only 20%
of total order)
How does the superb design
of our female bodies enhance safety, ease and
in labour and birth? Join
Sarah as she explores the science and wisdom of
the “ecstatic
hormones of undisturbed
birth” and their crucial role in birth,
breastfeeding and bonding.
Learn how common
interventions such as induction with synthetic
oxytocin, epidural pain
relief, and caesarean
surgery can interfere with these delicate hormonal
processes, with
potential negative effects
for mother and baby.
Discover how Mother Nature’s
superb design continues during the hour after
birth, and
how we can optimise these
enormous transitions for mother and baby. Sarah
also discusses
the ideal timing for cord
clamping and the hazards of cord blood banking.
This DVD set is ideal for
midwives, doulas, childbirth educators,
obstetricians, and other
professionals working with
pregnant and birthing families. Expectant mothers
and fathers will
also gain a deeper
understanding of the natural processes of labour
and birth, and how their
babies can benefi t from
Mother Nature’s superb design.